Get Prepared for Changes in the Taxation of Inward Remittances into Thailand
Are you a foreign tax resident in Thailand? Here are the pending changes in tax legislation regarding foreign sourced income that you need to be aware of.
Taxing Times Thailand February 2023 Issue
Welcome to the February 2023 edition of Tax Times Thailand where each month we try and bring you useful information to help with your business and tax obligations in Thailand. “T’was the night before Chinese New Year, and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, except Personal Income Tax Departments all around Thailand!!” Gentle […]
Welcomed changes to Company Law – Mergers without new Company creation or liquidation
On 1 January 1925, the Civil and Commercial Code (‘CCC’) of Thailand became effective and introduced various rules and procedures concerning for the legal affairs and rights of natural and legal ‘persons’ covering areas such as family law, inheritance law, contract law, property law, corporate law, commercial law and more. With respect to companies, the […]
Tax Due Diligence
The PKF Thai Tax team helps our clients succeed by providing personalized, tailored solutions with high quality service. We examine each client’s fundamental needs – and then go above and beyond to advise what the situation requires. We have a passion to make a difference and constantly strive to improve and strengthen the tax efficiency […]
Apinun Ittivarapornkul
VAT and WHT Refund Applications
VAT and WHT Refund Applications Where a Thai Company has excess VAT (input VAT over Output VAT during a period) or has excess withholding tax (WHT) that cannot be relieved against an annual corporate income tax liability – it has to apply for a VAT or WHT refund in order to get the money back. […]
Restructuring, Mergers, and Acquisitions
Restructuring, Mergers, and Acquisitions The PKF Mergers and Acquisitions Tax Team can assist buyers, sellers, owners, and investors with whatever they are planning to do; whether it involves restructuring a group of companies or operations, merging or consolidating companies, disposing or sale of companies, or acquiring a company, the PKF team can advise on the […]
Sirimon Chedchutrakunsak
New Guidelines: Individual shareholders can cause companies to be related
Thailand follows the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (‘OECD Guidelines’), and as such, the Thai Revenue Code (‘TRC’) places reporting obligations on certain companies (and juristic partnerships) which have related party transactions. These can include a Transfer Pricing Disclosure Form, Local File, and Country by Country reporting. It is therefore […]
Update from the Thai Revenue Department regarding the Transfer Pricing Disclosure Form
On 28 March 2022, the Thai Revenue Department (“TRD”) published a Notification of Ministry of Finance regarding TPDF filing deadline extension for FY 2020. Moreover, the TRD also recently issued additional explanation and Q&A for the Transfer Pricing Disclosure Form (“TPDF”) on its TRD website. We have summarised key points as follows: TPDF filing deadline extension […]